What is a newsletter and how to write one for your business?

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What is more important than building new clients for your business? Well, what else, it’s to stay in regular touch with your existing clients. Always remember that the clients you already have are the ones who can help you get more clients. Your customers are your best testimonials for your products and services. Newsletters help you do just that. They help you engage with your clients and maintain customer relationships.

Any business owner that runs an eCommerce website or a blog needs a newsletter to promote themselves. Newsletters allow you to send regular updates to your subscribers about a new post or blog that you have recently published. This prevents you from sending irrelevant emails to your clients. Therefore, your clients receive only relevant content that they signed up for.

What is a newsletter?

A newsletter works just like a newspaper. Just as the name suggests, it is a letter that gives your users the news regarding a product update, or a new blog post, or a new offer, etc. It is an important part of your email marketing strategy. It is a means of communicating with your users on a regular basis by sending them updates each time a new product, service, offer, blog, or social media post is posted or updated. For users, it is a way to stay connected to the brand and get regular reminders of what may be new after the last time they visited a website.

Newsletters give businesses an upper hand by allowing them to contact a mass audience and sending relevant messages. Be it review request forms or cart abandonment emails, you can just send a newsletter with included CTAs and your job is done. This way you can attract more traffic to your website without looking too salesy.

Why newsletters are important?

It gets really irritating for a user when a seller continuously keeps pinging them about buying their products. That is just not positive. They may even end up adding those emails to the spam folder. So when it comes to email marketing, repeated, salesy messages definitely are not going to work.

Newsletters help you avoid the usual boring marketing methods and reach out to your audience in a friendly way. This approach helps you provide a solution to the user rather than selling a product. You will still be including CTAs but they will more likely be a secondary thing and the priority will be to help the user. When users feel that you are trying to solve their problems, they will naturally prefer your products over other similar products. Remember, it’s all about your relationship with your clients.

How to create a newsletter?

Three important things while creating email newsletters

Newsletters can vary in terms of design and content depending upon their purpose. There can be product update newsletters, new blog post newsletters, cart abandonment newsletters and the list goes on. Each one of these is sent for different purposes. Despite this, the basic elements of every newsletter are the same – Design, Content, and Relevance.

1. Design 

Be it any type of email, design is always an important aspect of an email. How you design and place your text, graphics, and buttons affects the response that your email gets. The design of an email is like a first impression, if it is good, the user would want to continue reading. It’s only natural, nobody would want to read an email that looks messy. Therefore, always be very careful while designing your newsletter. It should be formal as well as entertaining at the same time.

2. Content 

Your content is the main part of your email. It delivers the actual message you’re trying to get through to your customers. Subject lines, preview texts, the message in the email, the CTA buttons, all of these are contents that you include in your email. Your user should feel like they are getting important information rather than listening to a sales pitch.

3. Relevance 

A newsletter is all about relevant content. Nobody wants to see irrelevant messages. This is why it is necessary to send messages to only the people who subscribed for it. Send personalized content to each and every client addressing them with their names instead of just saying “Hey user”. In order to do that connect your CRM software with your mailing list.

The steps for creating a highly converting newsletter.

1. Use a genuine sender’s address

A genuine sender's address can help improve the open rates for your newsletters. How? Read on

Newsletters from business accounts seem unreliable because they often come with a “noreply@xyz.com” email address. This should be avoided if you want your customer relations to last long or to establish good customer relationships in the first place. Use a recognizable email address in the “From” field of your email.

By doing this, you provide security to the users that there are actual people sending the messages that they can rely on. Another benefit of doing this is the user will know about your brand. Here’s the thing, a user receives tons of newsletters each day. Using your or your company’s name in the “From’ column helps the user distinguish your newsletter from the rest. This way users will be more aware of the value your newsletters provide and they are more likely to visit your website.

2. The subject line and the content.

Catchy subject lines are the most effective and quickest way of getting more leads.

A subject line is the first thing that a user sees in your newsletter. It should be written in a way that piques the user’s curiosity without confusing them about what the email may contain. Your subject lines should be both catchy and relevant. Using words like “Free” or “Cash Prize” in your subject without any relevance in the newsletter may trigger the spam filters and your newsletter may end up in the spam folder.

Emails with Crispy, hot selling content

For the content of your newsletter, remember not to start selling immediately. If a user is new to your newsletter subscription, try to be empathetic with them. The first few emails will give you insights into a user’s behavior. Once you know what your user prefers, send them messages accordingly. Avoid long paragraphs of text, break down your content into proper segments and then present those segments aesthetically. Add graphics to make your emails more understandable and entertaining. Come up with creative copy for your newsletter that carefully guides the user throughout the whole email towards the CTA. Sometimes you can use humor in your copy or memes and gifs in the email that entertains the user as well as gets your point across.

3. Provide value, for free!

People will only trust and buy from you when you provide them value. The free content you provide is the value you give them at zero price.

The aim of your newsletter should be to help the user solve a problem and not just selling your products. A user is more likely to buy from you when he feels he’s being heard and your products are actually providing him solutions.

Offer some of your valuable products and services for free. This will ensure the client that they are in safe hands. If your brand could provide them this much value for free then they will definitely get something even more valuable if they buy from you. Understanding your customers’ problems and providing them solutions should be your ultimate goal because that is what’s going to get you more genuine and loyal customers.

4. Use a good email automation tool.

Use email automation tools to keep your customers happy and informed

It is hard to run and manage email marketing campaigns for a long list of subscribers.
Therefore, it is better to use an email automation tool that helps you plan, design, and send out your newsletter to your subscribers.

An email automation tool like EmailWish will help you easily design your emails. You can control what email will be sent, to whom and when through a single software. It makes your marketing campaigns a whole lot easier.

How can we help you?

Emailwish is an email automation tool that helps you run successful email marketing campaigns. We fully understand the importance of your emails and that is why we do not compromise on quality. Be it design, content, or personalized emails, Emailwish has a solution for all your needs.

There are so many pre-built email templates to choose from. To create your own newsletter, select a prebuilt template and make minor changes suited to your business. Set the required triggers and timings and you’re all set. We aim to make your email marketing campaigns as smooth and fast to manage as possible.

One more advantage of using EmailWish is that it also allows you to create beautiful pop-ups which can be used to collect emails and create your own mailing list. You can then use these emails to send out regular newsletters to your visitors and convert them into leads.


Newsletters are essential for your business if you want to connect with your clients on a regular basis. They have become the need of the hour, considering the number of online businesses popping up daily. If you do not send regular updates via newsletters to your clients, they might not even remember you after some time. Even if you have enough customers, newsletters are important to build healthy, long-term relationships with your customers.1

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